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Issue #26 - June 17, 2008
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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1) The Body Parts Game
2) Ten Commands Song / 12 days of Christmas
3) C.I.A. / F.B.I.
4) Bingo
5) Joseph Craft
Invite a friend or coworker to join us. Click here!
6) Circus Holiday Club
7) Preparing Children for Ministry?
8) The Perfect Ten and
Copyright Law
9) Circus Lesson Plans
10) Decorating with Names of God theme?
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The Body Parts Game
The Body of Christ is made up of many parts. "The head bones connected to the neck bone...the neck bones connected to the..." A great icebreaker game!
Find it listed at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/page10.html
2) Ten Commands Song / 12 days of Christmas
in the song the 12 days of Christmas you know its starts with whatever day of Christmas the gift is for so instead of saying on the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me I sang this The 10 Commandments that God gave to me. Where you would then sing a Partridge and a pear tree. we sang this Just because he loves me. So every time you sing the ? day of Christmas use this The ? Commandment that God gave to me. So the 1st commandment would go like this The first commandment that God gave to me. Have on other Gods. Just because he loves me.
the 2nd is Don't worships idols.
3rd Don't misuse Gods' name
4th remember the Sabbath day, keep it holy. (this takes the place of 5 golden rings)
5th honor your father and mother
6th don't murder
7th don't commit adultery
8th don't steal
9th don't lie
10th don't crave what others have
then we finished with These 10 commandments God gave to me. Just because he loves me
Hope you have as much fun with this as we did.
the song we did was great but everyone loved your hand signs we used it made
all the difference in the world.
thanks again. vivian
--from SSTN: you are welcome, Vivian. For anyone else who is interested in the Look
n' Learn hand signs, you can find them at:
3) C.I.A. / F.B.I.
Our church is called “Fullarton” so our youth group call themselves the FBI
(Fullarton Bible Investigators!).
Visit www.fullartonchurch.co.uk
4) Bingo
I found a Web site, www.dltk-cards.com/bingo, where you can make all kinds of choices for your bingo cards. They include holiday pictures and even give you markers (but you have to cut them out). It’s all free. Just follow their instructions. Great site.
5) Joseph Craft
Granny D'
6) Circus Holiday Club
a few years ago there was a Circus VBS by Concordia. Go to their web site forum and ask if anyone has one they want to sell or donate.
7) Preparing children for
We are trying to host a children's church camp and our theme is "Preparing children for Ministry". We will sessions on worship leaders; prayer warriors; evangelists; developing Quiet Time and other related topics.
I am requesting if you have materials on the above topics could you share them to help the children of Fiji.
SSTN: if anyone wants to share their ideas via SSTN, please do. However, we no
longer can facilitate the transfer of used materials from member to member.
Because, in the past when used materials were exchanged via the network,
there were a few people who never received the items promised, even though
they had paid for shipping.
8) The Perfect Ten and Copyright Law
The Perfect Ten is written by Kathie Hill and is available on a soundtrack by her publishing company. It is covered by copyright laws. I taught it to my children's choir for years and they named every commandment during a sermon the other day. The adults didn't stand a chance!
--from SSTN: thank you for pointing this out. This song can however, be legally
purchased via our Bookstore at:
Just type the following title into the search box to locate it: "The
Perfect Ten - Daywind"
9) Circus Lesson Plans
Good morning! What a wonderful set of lesson plans! I plan to use these in chapel the week of our Circus day in preschool.
My concern, is that even as a pretend experience, it is playing with the occult. After I had been blessed with the Lord showing me His truth, I was involved in Christian counseling.
In prayer, with two other women, I renounced any interaction with the occult, including toys like the magic eight ball, and the fortune telling paper craft.
As someone who had previously been mixed up in the occult, (like astrology, fortune telling through different ways, New Age )I would ask that perhaps the fortune teller not be done. I only say this because each time we are exposed to things like that, it opens the door to the enemy, like a little building block..
and sometimes it starts with small silly things, such as the fortune teller,
(which I loved how you said it is make believe) and it leads to the door to our mind being cracked open another inch.
Thank God He showed me the truth in Christ, and I will adore Him forever because of that!
I ask you to go to the Lord in prayer, and ask for His wisdom on this lesson plan.
Thank you for touching so many lives, and helping us minister to the kids.
God Bless You,
Joyel Ortega
--from SSTN: you are absolutely correct on this. I will contact the writer and
see if she can express that part of the lesson in a different manner.
10) Decorating with Names of God theme?
i just placed an order from
on this. i would like, however, to get sunday school room theme idea from others.
--from SSTN: Ideas
that immediately come to mind are: "a Lion theme", ie. Aslan / Chronicles
of Narnia; "One Way-Jesus" directional signs pointing to your
stations for games, crafts, lessons, etc; "Bread of
Life" for food devotions; a "King's throne room" for worship/lesson
names of God covered in the series, "His Name Shall Be Called..."
are: "Alpha & Omega-Beginning and
End"; "King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace"; "Bread of Life";
"Lion of Judah"; "Jehovah-YAHWEH";
Resurrection"; "The Way, the Truth, The Life".
For anyone else who may be
interested in this series, click the book's cover.
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